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Dear State Chair Tracy, IL Committeeman Porter, and RNC Vice-Chair DeMonte,
First, thank you for your service to the people of Illinois. To further representing us, we (I) would like to offer the following thoughts and recommendation:
While current Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel has proven to be a fundraiser in the name of the party, the expected Red Wave of last November was nary a dribble in expected success. The fault lies in so many streams of leadership that it proved to be nearly a drought of victory for our party. Fundraising aside, and dubious opinion regarding current election integrity . . . Chair McDaniel has not taken a hard responsibility toward significant action to abate further embarrassment to candidates and voters.
Mr. Lindell, as a businessman and political activist, could bring a vision and determination, but not likely coalesce across the spectrum of Republican voters.
Harmeet Dhillon appears on resume, relationships and platform to be the person capable of taking the helm re-infusing the dedication to American values. To win, Republicans must dissolve the entrenched ruling class of political bands that have allowed the decline of family, local policy, small business, and perpetuating runaway taxation and regulation. The best and first place to start is to drive the national organization that supports the local citizens who run for office; not the deigned appointees of the oligarchy power structure.Ms. Dhillon’s key platform to decentralize the RNC out of DC, deliver on promises, track and chase every ballot, encourage fresh perspectives and lead, is a formula to feed the grassroots, every citizen stepping up to run, and be heard across the public regardless of MSM; resulting perhaps in the much needed Red Wave victory. We will notice if she strays. Please express our will by choosing Ms. Dhillon as Chair of the RNC.
Illinois Freedom Civic Coalition doing business as Illinois Freedom Alliance
Mission Statement:
Promote the freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution through education and active participation in the political process. We provide voter information and education, pursue the protection of individual voter's rights, and we promote free and equal elections
Vision Statement:
An Alliance of politically active citizens dedicated to a
“Government of the People, By the People, For the People”
Telegram: Illinois Freedom Alliance