Illinois Freedom Alliance
Please consider volunteering to become a Precinct Committeeman, Election judge and/or Poll watcher.
Precinct Committeeman (PC)
“ The most powerful office in the world”
The Precinct Committeeman (PC) has been called the “most powerful office in the world” because the PC is the closest structured political officeholder to the registered voter, which is often the PC’s neighbor.
“America First Americans must take their political activities “into” the Republican Party by becoming precinct committeemen and thereby transform the Party from a half-strength, ideologically-split party into a full-strength, solidly-conservative party to help the BEST America First candidates win the all-important, usually-very-low-turnout primary elections by helping to boost turnout of conservative Republicans in every voting precinct.”
Election Judge
Did you know that for the past 2 years there have not been enough Republican election judges to cover all the polling places in Rock Island county?
Election judges are responsible for ensuring that the election process is administered fairly and follows Illinois laws. Election judges work at the polling place on Election Day.
Poll Watcher
Poll watchers safeguard election integrity by ensuring transparency and fair elections. Poll watchers may be in the polling place before opening, during voting, after polls close and during early voting.
We are an "alliance" of concerned citizens from all walks of life and backgrounds. And our goal is to steer this country in the right direction. This country was founded by our forefathers, and we will never forget the sacrifices they made for our freedom.
Illinois Freedom Civic Coalition doing business as Illinois Freedom Alliance
Mission Statement:
Promote the freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution through education and active participation in the political process. We provide voter information and education, pursue the protection of individual voter's rights, and we promote free and equal elections
Vision Statement:
An Alliance of politically active citizens dedicated to a
“Government of the People, By the People, For the People”
Telegram: Illinois Freedom Alliance