Illinois Freedom Alliance
Bill and Synopsis
HB 2 & SB 78 - La Shawn Ford (D) and Sara Feigenholtz: Establishes "Overdose Prevention Sites" that offer consumption of “pre- obtained substances;" plus provides "sterile injection supplies" and "safer smoking and safer snorting kits." HB 2 gives immunity from civil and criminal liability.
HB 3 - Mary Flowers (D): any facility that does births will also do abortions; removes restrictions for midwives to do abortions; prohibits disclosing drug test results on pregnant women and newborns to DCFS or law enforcement; removes portion of “neglected child" definition that refers to newborns who test positive for controlled substances. Also see HB 1046.
HB 25 - La Shawn Ford (D): Increases number of cannabis craft* grower licenses. Removes language prohibiting craft growers to be more than 1,500 feet from each other. Allows advertising "craft" product as long as it's by a craft grower.
HB 29 - La Shawn Ford (D): Established the offense of parental bullying and if convicted, parents pay a monetary fine held in escrow for when the child turns 18.
HB 31 - La Shawn Ford (D): Allows cannabis craft grower to have more than 1 license; requires 60 additional craft licenses by March 15, 2024.
HB 39 - La Shawn Ford (D): Allows an incarcerated prisoner to vote.
HB 989 -- La Shawn Ford (D): Allows an incarcerated prisoner to vote by mail and election resource material be provided to them. HB 1011 - Mary Flowers (D): Requires list of books about racism to be required reading for students.
HB 1012 - Mary Flowers (D): Requires character education to teach respect for race, ethnicity or gender.
HB 1046 - Mary Flowers (D): any facility that does births will also do abortions; removes language prohibiting midwives from doing abortions. Requires reproductive health clinics to be set up by DPH. Removes portion of “neglected child” definition that refers to newborns who test positive for controlled substances. Also see HB 3.
HB 1071 - Chris Miller (R): The state cannot deny funding to schools that have sex-segregated bathrooms and locker rooms.
HB 1072- Chris Miller (R):
Requires a school board to post curriculum and learning materials on district web site, allows parents to petition school board and provide public comment at meetings, allows meetings with teachers at least twice a year.
HB 1135 - Chris Miller (R): Per the request of the parent, the state shall deposit funds into a child's Education Savings Account that the state would have spent on a child's public education; such funds must be used for qualifying educational expenses
HB 1138 - Blaine Wilhour (R): Election authority will coordinate with precincts regarding total number of ballots cast by mail/in person, number of registered voters. Discrepancies will result in recount of ballots. After the election, 5% of randomly selected precincts will have their votes retabulated and their devices tested for accuracy. State Central Committee representatives, the States Attorney, other law enforcement agencies, and county chair of each political party may be present.
HB 1139 - Blaine Wilhour (R):
The State Board of Elections must develop a tracking system for when vote by mail ballots are mailed and returned.
HB 1140 - Blaine Wilhour (R): Requires the county clerk to use the system that issues death certificates to use the same system to cancel the voter registration of any person that has died in that county during the preceding month.
HB 1141 - Blaine Wilhour (R): Requires voter ID cards or acceptable photo identification to vote.
HB 1148 - Charles Meier (R): Requires abortion facilities to offer an ultrasound to a woman seeking an abortion after 8 weeks of gestation before having an abortion.
HB 1149 - Charles Meier (R): Jury administrators must notify election authority of a change of address when jury summons is returned. Requires county clerks to verify voter registrations after consolidated elections in odd-numbered years. Requires certification of verification.
HB 1150 - Charles Meier (R): Requires witness slips filed to follow the bill when incorporated into a different bill as an amendment.
HB 1152 - Michael Marron (R): Allows for recognition of non-resident concealed carry license applications from other states.
HB 1155 - Norrine Hammond (R): Allows civil action against anyone who supplied drugs or alcohol to a person under 18 that causes harm as a result of his/her impairment.
HB 1157 - Charles Meier (R): No tax increases unless there's a reduction in spending levels from previous fiscal year; agencies must submit budget reduction list.
HB 1162 - Paul Jacobs (R): Prohibits mobile abortion services.
HB 1163 - Paul Jacobs (R): Repeals the Reproductive Health Act, which legalized abortion up to birth.
HB 1205 -- Curtis Tarver (D): Allows for the weight of legally allowed cannabis to be deducted from the larger amount confiscated to determine an offense of possession. Prohibits search of cannabis in a vehicle.
HB 1257 & HB 1642 Joe Sosnowski (R) and Blain Wilhour (R),
respectively: Amends Invest in Kids tax credit from 75% to 100% of amount contributed.
HB 1286 & SB 126 - Katie Stuart (D) and Celina Villanueva (D): Creates all-gender multiple-occupancy public bathrooms.
HB 1382 - Kam Buckner (D): Creates the PEACE Act which gives minimum grants of $250K to create and strengthen alternatives to law enforcement, with a priority to young people of color, gender nonconforming and those formerly incarcerated. Law enforcement and first responders may not apply.
HB 1390 -- Jackie Haas (R): Prohibits probation or conditional discharge for sex offenses.
HB 1431 - Patrick Windhorst (R): Prohibits driving while under the influence of cannabis or any combination of alcohol, cannabis, or other drugs or intoxicating compounds that renders a person incapable of safely driving. Penalties established for first and subsequent violations.
HB 1432 - Patrick Windhorst (R):
Prohibits recording a person without that person's consent for the purpose of viewing that person's intimate body parts and prohibits putting a recording device in a restroom, tanning salon, locker room, changing room or hotel room. Prohibits a sex offender's presence in certain locations and from communication with a child.
HB 1464-Tony McCombie (R): Amends Criminal Code. A person commits sexual exploitation of a child and commits distributing harmful material if they knowingly entice, coerce, or persuade a minor to participate in the production of the recording or memorializing of a sexual act. Class 4 felony for first offense, Class 3 felony for second or subsequent offense.
HB 1468 - LaShawn Ford (D): Provides that notice to the Department of Public Health on the birth of a substance-exposed infant shall not be construed to mean that prenatal substance use is intrinsically considered child abuse or neglect. Removes from the definition of "neglected child” a newborn infant whose blood, urine, or meconium contains any amount of a controlled substance.
HB 1485 - LaShawn Ford (D): Creates the Inclusive American History Act. The teaching of history will be suspended beginning in 2023-2024 school year so that alternative curricula can replace traditional course material that is recommended by a governor-appointed Commission that includes LGBTQ communities, among others.
HB 1499 - LaShawn Ford (D): Allows counties or municipalities to issue licenses for temporary events to allow the sale and consumption of cannabis.
HB 1562 - David Friess (R): A school athletic team involved with interscholastic athletics must designate teams as male, female, or coeducational. Female-only sports teams are available only to female participants, etc.
HB 1577 - Adam Niemerg (R):
Creates the COVID-19 Religious Exemption Act which prohibits any person, public or private institution or public official to discriminate in any manner because of a person's refusal to obtain a COVID-19 vaccine. Civil action with monetary recovery.
HB 1596 - Lakesia Collins (D): Deletes gender-specific pronouns "his" and "her" in numerous laws affecting children and replaces these with "the child" or other nouns.
SB 98 - Karina Villa (D): Requires school board members receive LGBTQ+ training.
SB 186 - Karina Villa (D): Allows all private health data be made available to the local health department "for the purposes of preventing or controlling disease, injury, or disability” and allows Dept of Public Health, Dept of Human Services, and Dept of Healthcare and Family Services to "adopt any rules necessary to implement the Act."
SB 194 - Robert Peters (D):
Prevents someone who has been convicted
a “nonviolent criminal conviction related to cannabis" from being denied a cannabis business. (Note: Many
convictions were plea-bargained
down from a more serious offense.)
SB 218 - Ann Gillespie (D): Provides that a physician assistant can prescribe drugs and medical devices without authority of physician. Provides that such ability shall include the prescribing of Schedule II, III, IV, and V controlled substances.
SB 271 - Craig Wilcox (R): Gasoline tax may not exceed 18 cents per gallon. I


Witness Slips
Illinois Freedom Civic Coalition doing business as Illinois Freedom Alliance
Mission Statement:
Promote the freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution through education and active participation in the political process. We provide voter information and education, pursue the protection of individual voter's rights, and we promote free and equal elections
Vision Statement:
An Alliance of politically active citizens dedicated to a
“Government of the People, By the People, For the People”
Telegram: Illinois Freedom Alliance